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Dental Implant Recovery

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One of the most effective ways to restore functionality and aesthetics to missing, decayed, or damaged teeth can be dental implants. For individuals that qualify as proper candidates, dental implant results can provide a long-lasting, durable solution that looks and feels like natural teeth. To achieve a safe and successful outcome, many prospective patients have questions about how long it may take to recover after surgery and what the healing process entails. At Smile by Design, our experienced Mountain View implant dentist, Donian Shen, DDS, explains what patients generally experience during dental implant recovery in the sections below.

How Long Does It Take to Heal After Dental Implant Surgery?

Most patients find the recovery time after dental implant surgery to be relatively quick and often can return to work and normal activities within a few days after placement. However, healing time does vary for each individual patient based on the extent of the procedure. Overall, dental implant recovery occurs in several stages: 

Stage One: Initial Recovery

After the implantation surgery, patients usually experience some level of discomfort, swelling, and minor bleeding for one to two days. These symptoms can be well managed with over-the-counter pain medication, ice packs, rest, and refraining from brushing or rinsing for the first 24 hours. Most discomfort should subside within this period.

Stage Two: Early Healing

Over the next three to seven days, swelling and bruising gradually fade, however, patients should continue to be cautious and eat a soft food diet. Most patients may resume non-strenuous work and activities. 

Stage Three: Osseointegration

During the next three to four months, the dental implant will fuse with the jawbone. During this time, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene, and attend all follow-up visits and regular dental check-ups. 

Stage Four: Final Restoration

Once the dental implant fusion is complete, an abutment will be placed on the implant to connect the final tooth restoration (a dental crown, bridge, or denture), fully restoring dental form and function.

On average, it may take four to eight months for the dental implants to fully heal and settle. During a consultation, Dr. Shen can further discuss what the recovery process might look like for your individual needs and goals. 

What Should I Eat After Dental Implant Surgery? 

One of the many benefits of dental implants is the ability to enjoy food as you normally would with natural teeth. However, during the initial and early stages of recovery, it is best to eat soft or liquid foods and avoid hot food items (especially touching the affected gums) while chewing gently. Some examples of soft food options during recovery may include soup (room temperature), Jell-O, macaroni and cheese, applesauce, mashed potatoes, yogurt, rice, fish, spaghetti, etc. It is best to abstain from drinking coffee (even iced coffee), as caffeine may inhibit the healing process. During the fusion process, we recommend waiting to eat hard or crunchy foods, such as nuts, popcorn, and seeds, as well as tough or chewy foods, including steak, chicken, etc. 

One thing to keep in mind: although dental implants may not result in many food restrictions, it is still best to choose foods that support good oral health and support the longevity of your dental restorations. 

How Does Smoking Impact Dental Implants?

For many reasons, cigarette smoking and tobacco use can be damaging to oral (and general) health. With dental implants in particular, clinical research has shown there can be a connection between smoking and dental implant failure, in which the mouth physically rejects the implant’s attempt to fuse with the jawbone, because of increased gum and bone decay. Additionally, smoking can increase the risk of infection, aggravate bleeding, slow the healing process after the implant has been placed, and cause the jawbone to weaken over time. Dr. Shen strongly advises patients to stop smoking and vaping at least one month prior to dental implant surgery and determine a post-surgery plan to curb the habit of smoking after implant placement to support a successful outcome and long-term health. 

How Can I Speed Up Recovery After Implant Placement?

To support a safe and steadfast recovery, there are several ways patients can help move along the healing process. As mentioned above, patients are advised to eat soft foods and be mindful while chewing during recovery. It is also highly recommended to avoid tobacco and caffeine. Additionally, getting adequate rest, applying ice packs, and drinking plenty of water can all help to encourage faster healing. 

Other suggestions include using a soft manual toothbrush and a saltwater rinse during the initial healing process, followed by ongoing proper dental care with twice daily brushing and flossing as well as regular professional dental cleanings. 

To learn more about dental implants, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Shen, please contact Smile By Design today.